Outage Notification is now available through SmartHub! Your co-op works hard to improve system reliability and keep the lights on, but we all know that power outages happen on occasion. Make sure you’re signed up for our outage notifications to receive a text and/or email informing you of the status of any outage affecting your property. The messages are sent after a power outage has been reported that affects your property. You will also be notified of the estimated time to restore power. A final message will be sent when power is restored.
How to Sign Up for Outage Notifications
- Log into your SmartHub account.
- You must be a registered SmartHub user; if you need to create an account, click on New User? and fill out the information required to open an account. If using the SmartHub app, please view the directions below.
- Once you are logged in, click on the Notifications tab on the top bar and select Manage Notifications.
- Select what notifications you would like to receive and how you would like to receive them, then click Save Settings.

Calling to Report an Outage is Still Important
If you are home, please call us to report an outage as soon as possible. If we have your primary phone number on file, our system will recognize that number and instantly pinpoint your location. This leads to quicker deployment of line crews, faster repair time and shorter outage duration. Your call to report an outage makes the notification system work and provide quick notification to other affected members. To report power outages lasting longer than a few minutes, call (800) 552-7658.