Lake Region Electric Cooperative is your resource for renewable energy and solar. The co-op offers several innovative options for members who want to utilize solar energy for their electricity needs.
GoWest Solar gives qualifying members the opportunity to purchase a small, southwest facing ground mount solar array that will be installed on their own property. The array is designed to maximize solar production when electricity is most valuable—the early evening, peak usage hours of summer. The GoWest Solar rate is built around the value of reducing peak summer demand. Participating members will receive a valuable bill credit during the months of June, July, and August.
Community Solar allows members to purchase the output from solar arrays set up near the co-op’s headquarters building in Pelican Rapids. At this time, LREC has completely sold out its 40kW and 20kW projects. We are keeping a list of members who are interested in future community solar options, so please sign up on the community solar page or give us a call letting us know you are interested.