What’s at the core of Lake Region Electric Cooperative? Local governance!
In fact, local governance is what keeps Lake Region focused on providing top-tier service. Top-tier service requires honesty, integrity, and adherence to our mission and cooperative principles. This, in turn, requires a board of directors that embraces our commitments to Lake Region’s member-owners.
Three districts will hold elections in 2020. The Lake Region Electric Cooperative service territory is divided into nine districts, with one director elected to represent each district. Directors must reside in the district they represent and are elected by their peer members also residing within that district. Election to the board of directors is for a three-year term. Elections are scheduled on a rotating basis so that there are only three districts holding elections in any given year.
As we’ve been explaining over the last year, Lake Region will be experiencing turnover on the board of directors due to our policy of term limits on directorships. This will be the case in two districts in 2020. District 2 (current Director Dennis Mathison) and
District 5 (current Director Charles Kvare) will require an election in the coming year due to the director reaching the 15-year term limit. This will continue in coming years as directors representing other districts reach their term limit.
District 8 (incumbent Director Sid Wisness) is the third district in which nominations for director will take place. This is due to our established rotation of elections, not the term limit.
We want you to be involved. During December, we will host information meetings in Districts 2 and 5. District 2 meeting will be December 10th at 6:30 p.m. at the Frazee Event Center and District 5 meeting will be December 7th at 2 p.m. at the Lake Eunice Evangelical Free Church. Please consider attending the informational meeting should you have questions about becoming a director for Lake Region Electric Cooperative.
The election process starts with the district meetings that will be held in February. At that time, nominations for the director position will be made and fellow members of the district will vote for the candidate of their choice.
Are you up for the challenge? The electric utility industry is extremely dynamic. Advances in technologies, consumer uses for electricity, higher member expectations, and an ever-changing legislative and regulatory climate must all be balanced by our local board of directors. We need quality people to step up to the multi-faceted challenges of being a cooperative director. Are you willing to share your talent, time, and perspectives?
If you are interested in becoming a director, please refer to Article 4, Section 4.3-Director Qualifications of our Bylaws to learn about our nominating procedures and director qualifications.
I’d also be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the director nomination and election process or qualifications should you prefer to give me a call.