You might think of Lake Region Electric Cooperative as just the local electric utility, but because of you and your neighbors, we are able to be so much more.
Electric cooperatives are community focused organizations that deliver affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy across the entire membership. We’re led by members like you, created by and for the communities we serve. We’re as unique as the communities that helped shape us, and we’ve made changes over time to reflect the ways those communities have grown and evolved.
Unlike utilities that are owned by investors or municipalities, cooperatives are democratic organizations guided by their members who elect directors who actively participate in setting policies and making decisions. The elected directors are often your neighbors, colleagues, and friends. They make themselves available for you to share thoughts and ideas with, which helps them determine what is in the best interest of the whole.
Every three years, you have the ability to vote for a director for your district. This year, Districts 1, 4, and 7 have directors up for reelection. Nominations were made at district meetings that took place at the beginning of February. This year’s annual meeting will be held on June 3rd, 2021 and will have a virtual, online option available. During the meeting, members of districts with an election can vote for their preferred board representatives. Annual meetings are also an opportunity to learn more about how your electric cooperative has impacted the local community over the past year.
Our co-op staff is also a trusted source for any questions you might have related to your home, business, or farm energy needs. We are here to offer advice, direct you to rebates and ways to save on your electric bill, and provide tips on energy efficiency.
It’s all part of the cooperative spirit that has always been one of the best aspects about living in our community: neighbors looking out for neighbors and people working for the common good. We are stronger and better for it. The power of community is what being an electric cooperative is all about.