There have been many lessons learned during the past year. The COVID-19 pandemic sparked Lake Region Electric Cooperative to thoroughly examine how we approach our daily operations and the commitment we have made to supply you with reliable electric service. From my perspective, these lessons all point back to a key recognition—the importance of relationships.
Whether working on the power lines, in our office, or working remotely, our employees adapted to a completely different work environment. The relationships our employees have built with each other led to success because of trust and communication.
At a time when face-to-face interactions with our cooperative members were not possible, our employees realized that clarity in their communications was crucial; this is an area of emphasis that Lake Region will carry forward.
We are thankful that a more familiar sense of community life is beginning to emerge, especially with our office opening to the public again. Nevertheless, we are determined to take the challenges of the past year and turn them into something positive. As we move forward, our work will be illuminated by the new theme of Member Motivated, Future Focused.
With Lake Region Electric being a cooperative—member-owned and member-controlled—providing a quality experience and reliable service are our highest concerns. This can be seen with the major shifts taking place in the nation’s energy industry, and with member expectations continuing to evolve with the introduction of emerging technologies.
To meet these new objectives, we are instituting progressive approaches to electric distribution grid improvements, particularly in areas where we have experienced repeat outages. We feel our members will benefit greatly from our new use of technology that reveals potential trouble spots in targeted areas. This summer, we will be devoting additional resources and manhours to grid reliability, exceeding our normal line construction and vegetation management work plans.
As I mentioned before, communicating with our members is essential. In this technology-driven world, we have added new features to our website to ensure members remain connected at all times. You have 24/7 access to information and news about the services Lake Region offers, tools to manage your account, the ability to monitor your electricity usage, fill out forms, make online payments, and much more!
Additionally, we are making plans to get out into the communities with some new events. We feel it is important to meet our members where they are in the communities we serve. So, please look for announcements of these opportunities.
Thank you, Lake Region members, for putting your continued trust in Lake Region Electric Cooperative as we remain Member Motivated and Future Focused.
On March 26th, CEO Tim Thompson and Board Chair Tom Jennen met with the newly-elected District 8A Representative Jordan Rasmusson. The three spoke about current legislation and the impact it is having on regional electric cooperatives.