If you are interested in attending this free event, please fill out the registration form below.
Attendees will hear from a diverse panel of energy experts on several topics, including, but not limited to, the Carbon Free Standard law that was passed in Minnesota this year, Great River Energy’s (GRE) energy portfolio, renewable energy, reliability, Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), transmission infrastructure plans, battery storage, different energy sources, science and engineering involved in the industry, minerals and mining.
The panelists include Darrick Moe, CEO of Minnesota Rural Electric Association (MREA), Zac Ruzycki, GRE’s director of resource planning, Priti Patel, GRE’s vice president and chief transmission officer, Tolu O. Omotoso, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s (NRECA) director of energy solutions and Julie Lucas, Mining Minnesota’s executive director.
LREC CEO Tim Thompson will welcome attendees and host the event, and Jeff Haase, GRE’s director of member services, DER and end-use strategy, will be the moderator.