Most of the time, it’s easy to take electricity for granted. When you walk into a room, flip a switch, and the lights come on, you likely aren’t thinking about the importance of electricity. In fact, it may be only when the lights don’t immediately turn on that we realize how much we rely on electricity. Take a moment to consider all the necessities and conveniences you enjoy because of the power lines running to the electric meter outside your home.
Electricity keeps us connected to our modern world. How many mobile devices, televisions, tablets, computers, gaming consoles, and smart devices do you have in your home? Now look around your kitchen — life without modern appliances such as your coffee maker, toaster, and microwave would be difficult. Electricity runs all of them, and that’s not even getting into common necessities such as your refrigerator, stove, heating and air conditioning, and hot water.
The good news is, even as we rely more on electricity, it remains a bargain. The cost of powering your home rises slowly when compared to other common expenses. Looking at price increases over the last five years, it’s easy to see electricity remains a good value.